Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.本着这种精神,每年科罗拉多的13所社区学院都会承认 outstanding employees as selected by their peers.

Ryan Newport portrait
Ryan Newport, Division Chair/Professor of Gunsmithing由于对枪械制造项目的贡献,他被评为年度最佳教师 and as division chair overseeing eight different CTE (Career & Technical Education) programs. 2004年毕业于og体育枪械制造专业的纽波特曾在该学院任教 for eleven years. 毕业后,他曾在勃朗宁枪械公司工作,后来才回国 to teach in Trinidad.

“我在科罗拉多州长大,出生在一个喜欢打猎和射击的家庭. It was 这是我们日常生活的一部分,也是我从小就热爱的事情.  I didn’t 甚至不知道og体育存在枪械制造,”纽波特说. “It was a no brainer 做出这样的选择,放弃我的消防员医疗事业,从北方搬来 从科罗拉多州搬到科罗拉多州南部,在这里开始我的新事业。.

纽波特教授枪支修理,定制手枪锻造和霰弹枪锻造 他还在家里经营着自己的枪械修理和修补店. The rest of his time is dedicated to his wife and two teenagers. 

Newport loves engaging with his students. “I want to be a positive influence in peoples’ lives.他很享受学生们挣扎时的“啊哈”时刻,以及那种光芒 bulb comes on. “It’s a lot of fun,” he said. “I enjoy passing out knowledge and watching the students learn and grow.”

Newport likes the people here, the family atmosphere. “My best friends work here, and I just love it,” he said. “It’s not a job. It’s a family.”

Marc Wilson portrait
Marc Wilson was recognized as the Instructor of the Year. He teaches English Composition 他在印第安纳州的一所社区大学有30年的工作经验.  

在西部旅行了几十年之后,2013年,威尔逊和他的妻子决定买房 在特立尼达的土地上,他们将在那里建造自己的养老院. “It seemed like a good fit,” said Wilson. “I’ve always loved the mountains.”

在监督他们新家建设的过程中,威尔逊带走了 a break to explore the area. Dressed in his ragged shorts and a ripped t-shirt, he 步行出发,发现了学院,并进入了伯格大楼. He 当有人走过来问她是否需要帮助时,她正在看大学文献. 他很快就发现自己来到了院长的办公室,尽管他显然没有穿成那样 an interview.  “让我印象深刻的是,那里的人更有兴趣获得 而不是遵循任何特定的惯例,”威尔逊说. 

威尔逊教授英语写作和英语写作的混合(在线和面对面)课程 literature at the college since 2015. 

他指出,与传统的老年学生合作,而不是非传统的 年长的学生,就像他在印第安纳教的那样,是一个很大的变化. Most of those older students needed retraining and were goal oriented. Sports attract young students to 他们中的许多人是家里第一个上大学的人. “A good number of them lack confidence,” said Wilson.  “Part of what I’m doing here is giving these students the confidence to continue their educations. I’ve enjoyed working with the younger people.”

他说:“我很幸运,这些学生一学期又一学期来自不同的背景 and lifestyles are coming together and I love that,” he said. Coming here and being able to teach one or two classes per term is perfect for me. I can focus on grand kids and classes. I love it,” said Wilson. He and his wife of 47 years are also raising two grandchildren.

Mathilda Westerman portrait
For the third time, Student Services Specialist II, Mathilda Westerman他被选为特立尼达国家年度机密雇员. With 30 years of service, it’s easy to see why.  Westerman has been in the same office since she served 当这所学校被称为圣路易斯山谷地区职业学校时,我在那里勤工俭学 School. 完成行政助理证书一年后,她是 她在勤工俭学中表现出色,又被邀请去面试那个职位, and she has been there since. 

她的主要职责包括管理录取流程,发送 录取通知书,处理成绩单和一些付款和计费工作 with ordering caps and gowns for graduation.

韦斯特曼喜欢看到学生们对上大学的兴奋. She believes 田径和越野运动的加入,以及现在的电子竞技,增加了人们的兴趣 to the college. “我们需要尽可能让学生感到受欢迎,”她说, “because they’re the reason we are here.”  

She never considered working anywhere else. “It’s my comfort to come here,” she said. “在我成长的过程中,我们经常搬家,所以我很享受稳定的工作 here.” 

她解释说,og体育提供各种各样的课程供学生选择 而且这所大学更实惠,花费远低于四年制大学. “Students 能在这里获得高质量的教育并继续攻读四年制学位吗. We need to concentrate 因为这里有很多农场需要培训 workers,” she said.

“我喜欢我在og体育的工作,我们的学生让我的工作如此愉快。” said Westerman.

Linda Perry portrait
Linda Perry, Executive Assistant to the President当她的同事们选她为行政、 professional, technical) Employee of the Year. In her ten-year history working at 她曾与教育基金会合作的学院,后来又与 a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) grant and now works in the President’s office. 凭借她以前在牧场和旅馆管理方面的经验,佩里带来了 her position the hospitality and service skills she learned.

“我最喜欢在这里工作的一点是,我有机会成为 帮助人们找到他们的答案,实现他们的潜力,提升他们的地位 the college or grow themselves as a student,” she said. “I like listening to an idea and somehow lighting a campfire under a cause.”

作为社区联络员,佩里经常作为大学代表在公共战线上提供帮助. 她认为自己是一个传声筒,协助校长和学院领导 in any way she can. “President Epper is a pleasure to work for. It’s fun to work for people who are visionary.  她带来了她在整个过程中建立的许多联系 her career. She’s a networker.  She’s working with people to always find the best answer,” said Perry.

“我们为八个县的高中生提供了开始学习的机会 职业,或者任何需要学习新技能的人. We are an incredible opportunity for learning. As the oldest community college in Colorado with a [nearly] 100年的历史,“社区里没有人能说‘我记得特立尼达 without the college.’ “